Keeping Your Child’s Natural Hair Healthy for Summer

Regular and consistent hair care is a HUGE part of keeping our kids’ natural hair healthy, soft, and manageable. It’s a challenge, especially with little ones, to care for their hair, maintain it, and make it grow. In fact, many moms prefer to just Loc their child’s hair and be done with it, and that’s ok! Just 4 Girls Salon can do locs, or any other summer protective hairstyle for your child, but it’s still important to know how to care for your little one’s hair when it’s free from a protective style and just worn natural.
Here are some great tips for keeping your child’s hair healthy, moisturized, and manageable in between hair appointments.
Recognize your child’s hair texture. First things first. Learning your child’s hair texture can save you a lot of time, money, and grief in the long run. Not all hair products are made equal, which is why we exclusively use Bubbly Beautiful. It’s specially formulated for children’s delicate, natural hair. It’s important to know if you’re child’s hair is bone straight (1), extremely coiled (4c), or falls somewhere in between. By knowing where they fall on the chart, you will know if thick creams and oils will be beneficial, or just weigh it down as well as give you an idea on how much product to use.
Ignore “only use a dime-size amount”. This leads us to the next tip. Almost every hair product says to only use a dime-size amount. It doesn’t take a genius to know that if you have thick, coarse hair, you will need A LOT more moisture, thus more product! The length of hair needs to be taken into consideration too. Don’t be afraid to part your child’s hair into 1-2 inch sections and moisturize each section thoroughly. When your child’s hair is adequately moisturized, it’s much easier to detangle and style.
Love your conditioner. Moisturizing is so important to natural hair that it bears repeating. Just like you don’t skimp on the amount of conditioner, it’s important to condition their hair All.The.Time. While you can get away with shampooing once a week, you must condition regularly.
You don’t need to avoid water. Water is good for your hair. It not only helps to soften the hair but helps the oil to spread from the roots to tips. Don’t be afraid to lightly spritz your child’s hair with water before adding moisturizer as you style their hair.
Wrap their hair nightly. While your child sleeps, their hair can get snagged, caught under their bodies, or pulled on their blankets. This can cause breakage to their hair. Another reason to wrap their hair is that not wrapping it can dry out their coils and the oil will end up on your bedding instead. Invest in a good headscarf or bonnet. Your child may prefer one over the other, and that’s ok, but be consistent with wearing it. She’ll soon begin to understand just how much easier it is and how beautiful and healthy her hair will become because of it.
Our professional staff at Just 4 Girls Salon is here to help and we look forward to working with you and your child! Call or visit one of our two convenient locations today at 568 Fayetteville Rd SE in Atlanta (678) 927-0554 or 1295 W Spring St STE 101 (inside Smyrna Market Village) (678) 391-4622 or book for any location online!